We pride ourselves on providing the most detailed, intricate and in-depth trip planning materials in the business. Trust us when we tell you that you’ve NEVER received materials anything like the ones that we send out!
When you sign up for a Yellow Dog trip, you will receive a complete trip folder; a comprehensive trip planning folder full of detailed, relevant, and important information pertaining to the specific destination and package that you have booked. We know that the key to a successful trip is pre-trip preparation, and we feel strongly that we do it better than anyone. Some of the information and topics that you can expect to find in our pre-trip packets include:
▪ Detailed gear and equipment lists
▪ Guide-recommended fly patterns
▪ Travel and airline suggestions
▪ Arrival and transfer how-to's and information
▪ History of the country and area
▪ Packing notes and suggestions
▪ Notes on the area fishery
▪ Species-specific information
▪ How to make the most of your guided experience
▪ Fishing technique information
▪ Health and medical information and updates
▪ Notes on weather and seasonal conditions
▪ Suggestions on gratuities and other useful information
Bags packed and ready to go? Call us at 888-777-5060 to help with your next adventure.