Yellow Dog Community & Conservation Foundation

Positively Impacting Fishing Around the World
The Yellow Dog Community and Conservation Foundation works to enhance communities, build partnerships and support conservation in places where great fishing is found. We achieve this by providing targeted grants to directly support priority conservation needs, vital community projects, and educational efforts in international angling destinations. The Foundation also provides support for certain events and builds partnerships to leverage funding for specific projects and impact.
Yellow Dog Community & Conservation Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

The Yellow Dog Community and Conservation Foundation is a project started by the owners and staff of Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures, a Bozeman, Montana-based destination angling and travel company that has been sending anglers all over the world since 1999. Yellow Dog customers have always received one-on-one personal attention, excellent customer service, full travel support, and detailed and extensive pre-trip materials specific to the destination or destinations where they fish. While the company has always been focused on providing its customers with the best service, preparation and support in the business, Yellow Dog has also worked tirelessly to support the communities, fisheries, and ecosystems that we all rely on for great fishing.
The Yellow Dog team wanted to do more to create a path where more funds could be raised, and more resources dedicated to the organizations, projects and individuals that are truly making a difference in the areas and regions in which we work, fish and travel. Thus was born the Yellow Dog Community and Conservation Foundation (YDCCF).
The fact that the Yellow Dog team spends so much time in the world’s great fishing destinations on a regular and ongoing basis has allowed us to identify the projects, groups and efforts that are truly making a difference for anglers and for fisheries. From large-scale conservation efforts to small, local, grass-roots undertakings, YDCCF provides direct financial support to these groups while also giving anglers the ability to have an impact on the places and destinations that they love and care about.
In many of the locations in which we operate, even modest donations and small levels of direct support have a significant impact. Whether it’s the purchase of laptop computers for a grade school on Andros Island, funds that support enforcement and monitoring of catch-and-release flats fishing in Belize, or support for angler access initiatives throughout the US West, the Yellow Dog Community and Conservation Foundation is able to support the important work that positively impacts fishing around the world.
Click Here to View the 2023 YDCCF Annual Report

Since its inception in 2016, the Yellow Dog Community and Conservation Foundation has helped give back to angling communities throughout the world by funding numerous grassroots, locally driven projects. To date, the Foundation has invested more than $1.5 million to help preserve, protect, and enhance the fisheries and the fishing communities that matter to anglers. Click here to learn more about our Community and Conservation grant program by

Bonefish & Tarpon Trust Northern Bahamas Mangrove Restoration Project
When Hurricane Dorian struck the northern Bahamas in late summer of 2019, it left a path of destruction across the eastern end of Grand Bahama and the northern end of Abaco. Our partners at Bonefish and Tarpon Trust have been working on restoring the vast mangrove forests ever since, with a goal of planting more than 100,000 mangroves to help the ecosystem recover. This grant supports local guides in assisting in those efforts, as they are key partners in ensuring the resiliency of the fishery.
Xcalak English Project
The second year of the Xcalak English Project, a joint effort by YDCCF and The XFlats will build on the successful launch from last summer. We are increasing the number of participants, refining the ongoing online education module, and reaching deeper into the community. XEP seeks to increase the English speaking skills of the Xcalak community at large with a goal of bettering their job opportunities, increasing retention and giving the children of the community a solid base of English language skills. This grant is supported directly by The XFlats through YDCCF’s new Lodge Partner Program. The summer 2023 session will be July 8-15. You can watch a short video here about the program.
Montana Trout Unlimited Youth Camp
This is our second year supporting MTU’s Youth conservation camp program, held annually at Georgetown Lake. 20 children ages 11-14 attend and learn about fly fishing and conservation. In MTU’s own words: Students hit the ground running with hands-on education in fly casting, fly tying, and fishing technique, while also learning the importance of healthy trout habitat and good stewardship. Through interactive visits to on-the-water restoration projects and field education in aquatic ecology and hydrology, Youth Camp attendees not only receive an introduction to the sport of fly fishing but also a solid foundation in freshwater ecology, angling ethics, and exposure to careers in conservation.
Healthy Taimen Festivals
We have funded the Healthy Taimen Festival program since it was started by our partners at Mongolia River Outfitters. MRO’s “flagship” community incentive program is conducted in partnership with BioRegions International. Health professionals who also happen to be enthusiastic anglers along with Mongolian health professionals volunteer their services to local school children before joining a scheduled MRO/FM fly fishing adventure. Typically, 200 – 300 school children receive health screenings and treatments from doctors, dentists, and dental technicians at these multi-day events. The Healthy Taimen Festivals are a celebration of all things taimen and include games and conservation education programs. Local school kids also receive much appreciated supplies for their upcoming school year.
Fish For Change
F4C’s mission is is to use fly-fishing as a platform to make the world a better place by uniting a diverse group of students in wild fisheries where they engage in a variety of initiatives that promote Connection, Education, Conservation, and Exploration. They run week long programs in Honduras, Mexico, the Bahamas, Costa Rica and Colorado. Local students receive scholarships to be able to attend the program. Part of the curriculum includes partnering with local organizations in each location to participate and learn more about ongoing conservation initiatives.
East End Dorian Relief Fund
Hurricane Dorian completely wiped out the east end of Grand Bahama in 2019. The East End Dorian Relief Fund is assisting residents of McCleans Town in rebuilding their homes in order to being them back to the community. More than three years after Dorian, less than half of the residents have been able to return. This project is managed by our partners at East End Lodge, who have contributed countless hours and funds to help revitalize the area.
Fish Kind
Fish Kind is a new effort created by One Montana modeled after their ongoing successful Outside Kind program. It seeks to raise knowledge and awareness of anglers and inspire them to become champions and effective advocates on behalf of Montana's fish and the waters they depend on. The early stages of the program will focus on creating educational materials and outreach to local businesses and partners to help plant the seeds for growing the program in future seasons.
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper
UMW is undertaking a GIS based scientific study in the upper reaches of the Gallatin River in southwest Montana. The combined effects of a warming climate and ongoing development in and around the resort community of Big Sky have caused the Montana Department of Environmental Quality to designate the mainstem Gallatin as formally “impaired”, due to severe algae blooms during the summer and the inability to sustainably support aquatic life. The Montana DEQ admitted in its preliminary determination that poor water quality and biological conditions caused by recurrent nuisance algal blooms have begun to affect macroinvertebrate community prevalence and health, representing negative changes to the river's ability to support its trophy trout populations. The study seeks to develop the necessary best available science qualifying and quantifying the impact of widespread land use transformation across the Big Sky resort area on local waterways and fisheries. The anticipated scientific research includes GIS and LIDAR projects mapping the Big Sky region and local land use patterns; stormwater modeling based upon precipitation and land use types; and water quality data modeling and analysis to connect the dots between particular land uses and the demonstrated impacts on stream and fishery chemical and biological metrics. The study seeks in the end to develop best available science that will guide future growth and water resource planning in and around Big Sky. You can learn more about UMW and their work on the Gallatin here.
Wild Salmon Center
WSC is part of a broad-based coalition of groups and stakeholders working to stop the development of a 100-mile-long industrial road through the West Susitna watershed in southeast Alaska. The proposed road would cross 182 waterways, including at least 83 salmon streams, destroying thousands of acres of wetlands and bisect the watershed, disrupting the natural hydrologic flows and cutting off access to important fish habitat. The Susitna watershed supports five species of Pacific salmon—including the fourth largest Chinook population in Alaska. Susitna drainages also support extensive and diverse recreational fisheries for salmon, rainbow trout, Dolly Varden, Arctic grayling, burbot, Arctic char and lake trout. You can read more about the threats this road project poses here.
Fishing Outfitters Association of Montana
Guiding for the Future (G4F) is a program that provides advanced levels of knowledge and skill development for professional fishing guides and outfitters. The program’s goal is to inspire dedicated stewardship of aquatic ecosystems while increasing knowledge, professionalism, and ethics of fishing guides, outfitters, and the fly-fishing industry throughout Montana. G4F is a voluntary course of study, evaluation, and certification. Participating outfitters and guides undergo a curriculum that strengthens competence, increases knowledge and skills, and establishes their commitment to help steward the rivers on which their livelihoods depend. Learn more about the program here.
Cano Negro Youth Education Program
The Rural Communities and Nature Coexistence Youth Education Program seeks to build on an existing environmental education program by taking the top 10 students from the villages of Cano Negro, San Antonio and Aguas Negras, Costa Rica and deepen their training. A pilot program will be run in February 2023 for 3 weeks focused on biodiversity, ecosystems and species, waste management, reforestation, conservation and wildlife monitoring. The students will also perform a community impact project in the form of a mural and conduct discussions with locals about the impacts of tourism. The goal of the program is to build the future leaders in the community on matters of environmentalism and conservation.
East End Dorian Relief Fund
Hurricane Dorian completely wiped out the east end of Grand Bahama in 2019. The East End Dorian Relief Fund was focused in the short term on providing basic needs and has now shifted to assisting residents of McCleans Town rebuild their homes in order to being them back to the community. More than three years after Dorian, less than half of the residents have been able to return.
Patagonia Fly Fishing Expo
Held annually at the beginning of each season (traditionally late October) in San Martin de los Andes in Neuquen, the Patagonia Fly Fishing Festival draws guides and anglers from across South America for a two-day event to promote the development of the sport in the region. Panels and discussions led by local leaders help inform and promote fly fishing as a business and economic driver in the region.
Xcalak English Project
Xcalak is a small village on the southern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico whose primary industries are tourism and destination angling. In partnership with XFlats Lodge, the Xcalak English Project will bring ESL instructors to the community for a weeklong introductory course on English for up to 40 community members. The focus will be oral and written language development followed up by online English programming the rest of the year to reinforce the mastery of high frequency dialogues, vocabulary and functional phrases that employees of local lodges need to better communicate with English speaking clients. The main objective of the initial phase of the project is to teach two distinct week-long curriculums: one for fishing guides and one for hospitality staff, presented in six-daily half hour lesson rotations of interactive English dialogues, multimodal vocabulary acquisition lessons, functional phrases and verb games.
Friends of the Environment Abaco
Friends of the Environment’s mission is to preserve the environment of Abaco through education, conservation, and research facilitation. FRIENDS is the only Abaco-based non-profit dedicated to raising awareness of Abaco's environment and effecting conservation through education. They suffered a total loss of their Learning Center during Hurricane Dorian in 2019 and have just recently broken ground on a new state of the art building built to withstand the conditions. YDCCF’s grant will help fund construction of this new facility.
Mangrove Cay Recreational Community Park Association
The community of Little Harbour on Mangrove Cay on Andros in the Bahamas has been working for the last two years on building a recreational park for the community. They have completed a basketball court that sees daily use and are moving forward with the next stage of building which will include bleachers, restrooms, and further land clearing. There are plans for a running track, playground, volleyball court, shaded picnic tables, a concessions area, lighting and fencing. YDCCF’s grant will be used for this next stage of construction.
Keep Fish Wet
Keep Fish Wet’s mission is to help anglers improve the outcome for each fish they release. Keep Fish Wet makes the science of catch-and-release and related best practices accessible and understandable. Since their inception in 2014 and designation as a non-profit in 2019, they have sought to translate scientific jargon so that science-based best practices can reach a broad cross section of the recreational angling community. YDCCF’s grant will help Keep Fish Wet build open source, visually appealing, science-based resources (posters, stickers, and social media content) on bonefish best practices that will be shared with communities in the Bahamas. The long-term goal of this project is to use this as a template to expand to other regions where bonefish are targeted including Belize, Mexico and the Seychelles.
Montana Trout Unlimited
Montana Trout Unlimited’s (MTU) goal is to conserve, protect and restore Montana’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. This is accomplished by balancing advocacy, habitat restoration and educational outreach, while always applying the best available science to policy, legal, and on-the-ground work. YDCCF’s grant will fund this summer’s youth overnight camps and clinics, which will engage 60-80 kids. The experience combines practical fly fishing instruction with conservation projects, and the goal is to build future anglers and resource stewards.
Seacology exists to partner directly with local communities on islands all over the world in an effort to preserve habitat, combat climate change and build programs that enhance the livelihoods of residents. Since 1991, Seacology has launched over 300 projects, working with communities on islands in 64 countries, helping to protect approximately 1.4 million acres of some of the world’s most vulnerable ecosystems. Aitutaki is located in Marae Moana (“Sacred Ocean”) in the Cook Islands and is the largest multi-use marine park in the world. Tourism is the primary source of income for the Cook Islands, including for the island of Aitutaki. While there is a degree of environmental awareness among tourists and local alike, the island still faces a huge challenge with the amount of waste washing up on its coasts. In addition, there are few ways for Aitutakians to earn a living outside of the tourist sector. YDCCF’s grant will fund a project seeking to address both of these issues by raising awareness of ocean pollution while offering high school students the opportunity to become Marae Moana Champions, spearheading efforts to reduce ocean pollution while earning a sustainable income.
Healthy Taimen Festival / Mongolia River Outfitters
The Healthy Taimen Festivals are two-day events held in remote communities in Mongolia. MRO provides opportunities for visiting health professionals to volunteer their skills and partners with BioRegions International to bring in additional medical professionals – both international and Mongolian – to aid in local community health screenings. Their guides and staff also provide conservation programs and games along with the health care activities. These community events reinforce the potential value and benefits associated with protecting taimen. YDCCF’s grant will fund two healthy taimen festivals in different communities and provide at least 300 local children with health screenings and treatments.
Shannel Taylor / Soul Fly Lodge
Shannel Taylor operates a small farming business supporting the community of Great Harbour Cay in the Berry Islands (Bahamas). Through our lodge partner, Soul Fly Lodge, YDCCF is funding an expansion of Shannel’s existing chicken egg production. This will increase the availability of locally produced food in this remote area, benefitting the community’s residents by providing them with better access to healthy food options.
Upper Yellowstone Watershed Group
Upper Yellowstone Watershed Group (UYWG) works on sustaining working lands, open spaces and clean water in the Upper Yellowstone watershed. UYWG has been running a recreational river use study since 2020 with the use of camera locations at numerous sites along the Upper Yellowstone River in Paradise Valley. The goal of the work is to be able to clearly point to data that can help inform the decisions that are made by Montana FWP and other stakeholders in an effort to improve everyone’s experience on the river. YDCCF’s grant will fund field work for the 2022 summer season.

Punta Allen, Mexico: In partnership with lodges in the community we are nearing completion of construction on a dormitory for teachers to give them more suitable quarters and increase teacher retention. This dovetails with work we have been doing for several years to ensure a quality education for the children of Punta Allen. In addition, other projects such as establishing a recycling center in the community have received seed money.
Belizean Guides Fund, Belize: After six months without work in 2020, fishing guides in Belize were suffering. YDCCF ran a month long campaign to raise funds to support the guide community and generated enough to give every guide a substantial check to see them through.
Bristol Bay Defense Fund, Alaska: Bristol Bay, Alaska reigns as one of the most pristine and unique places on planet earth. Its clear cold rivers support some of the strongest remaining salmon runs in North America. Despite strong local management, the sustainability of Bristol Bay fishery is under imminent threat from the proposed Pebble mine. YDCCF supported the Wild Salmon Center in pursuing permanent protections for the Bristol Bay watershed.
Snake River Basin, USA: The Association of Northwest Steelheaders are stepping up their efforts by mobilizing citizens and teaching them how to be more effective at connecting with legislators to compel their support for Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson’s Columbia Basin Initiative, which includes plans to remove the lower four Snake River Dams.
Delger and Onon Watersheds, Mongolia: In collaboration with the Wild Salmon Center and Mongolian River Outfitters we are supporting river patrol rangers, ongoing stream monitoring and some new river regulation signage in the Delger and Onon watersheds.
Rio Matavén, Colombia: Our partner Release Fly Travel is working with five indigenous Piaroa communities who are collectively managing a burgeoning world-class Peacock Bass fishery. The community is receiving education on the basics of fly fishing, guide etiquette, and even fly tying. Next up is English language training to better communicate with international anglers.

Patagonia Fly Fishing Expo, Argentina: The Patagonia Fly Fishing Expo takes place in San Martín de los Andes, Argentina. The expo convenes fly shops, outfitters, guides, lodges and many other businesses to network and explore opportunities to continue to promote the sport of fly fishing.
Montana Wilderness School, Montana: The Montana Wilderness School is a grassroots outdoor education public charity whose mission is to provide empowering expeditionary wilderness courses to youth that foster personal growth and cultivate a conservation ethic through connecting with remote landscapes and wild places
Guiding for the Future, Montana: The Guiding for the Future program was designed and implemented under the direction of the Fishing Outfitters Association of Montana. G4F emphasizes ethics, conservation, and a commitment to stewardship as core responsibilities of professional fishing guides. The program aims to inspire dedicated stewardship of aquatic ecosystems while increasing the knowledge and professionalism of fishing guides, outfitters, and the fly fishing industry as a whole.
The Healthy Taimen Festival, Mongolia: The Healthy Taimen Festival’s goal is to generate greater awareness and appreciation of the benefits and importance of taimen conservation. The festival also provides at leas 300 local children with health screenings and treatments. These community events reinforce the potential value and benefits associated with protecting taimen.
Taimen Conservation Fund, Mongolia: YDCCF provided a grant to assist The Taimen Fund (TTF) for their Riverkeeper program in the Eg Watershed, Hovsgol Province, Mongolia. The River Keeper Program is an ambitious anti-poaching project spanning a total of seven different villages throughout the Eg Watershed, along approximately 120 miles of river. The Riverkeepers employed in the program are local herders that spend a great amount of their time caring for their animals along the riverbanks of the Eg River and its tributaries.
Anglers Benefitting Louisiana’s Estuaries (ABLE), Louisiana: Through ABLE’s Marsh Dawgs program, twelve local high school are given the opportunity to engage in a four-day experiential learning adventure across coastal Louisiana. Students learn about the history of the coastal zones; public policy issues surrounding coastal restoration efforts; economic and cultural resources along the coast; basic marine biology; fishing skills; and how to operate basic GPS equipment.
Silver Creek Alliance, Idaho: YDCCF supported a project to construct an ADA compliant wheelchair access at Kilpatrick Bridge in Blaine Country Idaho on Silver Creek.
Free Voice Media, Idaho: Each year approximately 10,000 people float the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. Despite best attempts to adhere to leave no trace ethics, equipment and personal items inevitably fall into the river. YDCCF awarded a grant to Free Voice Media and their efforts to clean up the river by utilizing SCUBA equipment and removing trash that has included tables, fly rods, ice cream makers, oars and parts of boats from the river bottom.
Torres del Paine Legacy Fund, Chile: Last year YDCCF awarded funds to the Torres del Paine Legacy Fund to protect and minimize the impact on Chile’s famous national park through the construction of boardwalks and educational signs. In 2019 YDCCF awards another grant for the organization’s ongoing monitoring of the ecological restoration efforts in the park.
Bristol Bay Fly Fishing & Guide Academy, Alaska: The Bristol Bay Fly Fishing & Guide Academy (Guide Academy) trains young residents of rural, southwest Alaska to be highly-qualified for jobs as fishing guides in the region’s growing tourism and recreational fishing industry. The program’s curriculum is built around instilling a conservation ethic in this important generation of future Bristol Bay leaders.
New Venture Fund, Alaska: Various factions of the Bristol Bay campaign bring advocates to Washington, DC throughout the year to educate members of Congress on the Pebble Mine issue. In-person meetings with persons directly, or indirectly, affected by this project is a very powerful tool. Meetings will be held involving Alaska Natives, commercial fishing interests, Bristol Bay lodge operators, recreational fishing industry representatives, and sportsmen and women from around the country.

Cast Hope, Chico, California: Cast Hope brings kids and mentors together through the sport of fly fishing. YDCCF’s funding will assist Cast Hope to host two fishing clinics and provide fly fishing equipment for 50 at-risk kids of San Diego County, California. Each youth will receive a rod, necessary flies, leaders, tippet, etc.
Greater Gallatin Watershed Council: The Greater Gallatin Watershed Council (GGWC) works with local volunteers, landowners, and community partners to bring water quality monitoring, stream restoration, and watershed education to the Gallatin Valley with the goal of improving water quality for all. YDCCF funds will help GWC to hire a Big Sky Watershed Corps (BSWC) member and provides critical capacity for GGWC to implement the Gallatin Restoration Project Inventory, an effort to bring stream restoration professionals and stakeholders together to share resources, form connections and develop partnerships that will lead to the comprehensive and durable health and enhancement of our rivers and streams.
Madison Conservation District, Ennis, Montana: YDCCF awarded a second grant to the Madison Conservation District to conduct Phase II of the Lower Jack Creek Restoration Project to restore and enhance riparian vegetation along Jack Creek and to improve in-stream habitat within Jack Creek by re-establishing riffle and pool stream structure. Implementation of this project will restore an ecologically functioning riparian corridor along the lower reach of Jack Creek that will allow for natural channel migration and sediment transport processes, and provide for improved in-stream habitat and increased shading along the stream channel resulting in a net increase in aquatic resource functions and services.
Montana Wilderness School, Bozeman, Montana: The Montana Wilderness School provides empowering expeditionary wilderness courses to youth that foster personal growth and cultivate a conservation ethic through connecting with remote landscapes and wild places. YDCCF awarded a grant to assist with scholarship funding for deserving undeserved Montana youth ages 14-18 from Park County and Gallatin County to attend an MWS Expedition focusing on fishing.
Wild Salmon Center, Portland, Oregon: YDCCF awarded a grant to the Wild Salmon Center (WSC) to support their Cold Water Connection Campaign on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. WSC is partnering with Trout Unlimited and Coast Salmon Partnership on a multi-year project to engineer and correct 100 priority fish passage barriers, which will enable us to reconnect 150 river miles on some of Washington’s best salmon and steelhead rivers. With YDCCF’s support over the coming year WSC will: 1) complete an inventory and assessments on stream barriers in the Olympic Peninsula to fill an inventory data gap, 2) design and engineer up to 25 barrier removal projects on priority streams, and 3) develop a short film that highlights the ecological and human values of the coastal region to share with grassroots and grasstops constituents.
Cayo Rosario, Belize: YDCCF awarded a grant to Ambergris Caye Citizens for Sustainable Development (ACCSD) to oppose the Belize Department of the Environment in approving the Cayo Rosario Development, and specifically the over water structures in a marine reserve. This is an important project addressing potential development threats to the marine reserve now and in the future.
Guiding for the Future, Montana: YDCCF awarded a grant to assist the Fishing Outfitters Association of Montana (FOAM) to create a Montana “Guiding for the Future- Montana Fishing Guide Certification Program” providing advanced levels of knowledge and skill development for professional fishing guides. The program’s aim is to increase the guide’s professionalism and his/her leadership in aquatic resource stewardship, education, and advocacy. Further, the program demonstrates the commitment of guides, outfitters, fly shops, and the fly fishing industry to the conservation and wise use of Montana’s waters state-wide.
Project Belize: YDCCF has developed a new partnership with the Bonefish Tarpon Trust (BTT) to help address the gill net issue and future development pressures in Belize. Project Belize is a collaborative, multi-year program to provide information directly applicable to conservation and protection of the flats fishery and habitats in Belize. With BTT, YDCCF has commissioned an economic analysis to identify important habitats and locations for conservation in Belize, and use this information to propose fisheries and habitat protections. The next phase of the project will be to help to establish an education program to build public support and understanding of the importance of the flats fishery and flats conservation to the country of Belize.
Madison Conservation District, Ennis, Montana: YDCCF awarded a grant to the Madison Conservation District to restore and enhance riparian vegetation and improve in-stream habitat in Jack Creek, an important tributary to the Madison River. Stream and riparian restoration and enhancement activities will support existing fisheries values and provide opportunities for the re-introduction of Arctic grayling.
Angler's Benefitting Louisiana's Estuaries (ABLE): ABLE is a non-profit organization that engages in coastal restoration and environmental education activities in Louisiana. The organization has been heavily involved in St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, where the community's thriving commercial and recreational fishing industries are continually threatened by the degradation of its fragile coastal environment. YDCCF provided a grant to ABLE to engage local students in environmental education programming that will encourage good environmental stewardship along the community's vulnerable coast.
The Taimen Fund, Mongolia: YDCCF provided a grant to assist The Taimen Fund (TTF) for their Riverkeeper program in the Eg Watershed, Hovsgol Province, Mongolia. The River Keeper Program is an ambitious anti-poaching project spanning a total of seven different villages throughout the Eg Watershed, along approximately 120 miles of river. The Riverkeepers employed in the program are local herders that spend a great amount of their time caring for their animals along the riverbanks of the Eg River and its tributaries.
Toledo Exposure & Wil Mehia, Belize: YDCCF provided a second grant to help Toledo Exposure and Wil Mehia continue their efforts to patrol Southern Belize to monitor for illegal fishing. Funding will also support two PSA's to educate people about the setting of gillnets and how it affects the fishing and health of the fisheries.
Torres del Paine Legacy Fund, Chile: YDCCF provided a grant to the Torres del Paine Lagacy Fund to enhance appreciation of, and minimize impacts on, the unique but fragile wetland ecosystems that comprise Torres del Paine National Park. With funding from YDCCF, the Legacy Fund will construct a boardwalk in a highly trafficked but sensitive segment of the popular “W” circuit, as well as design and install interpretive displays that communicate the critical features of the surrounding ecosystems to the estimated 80,000 outdoor enthusiasts that hike this iconic trail every year.

Back County Hunters and Anglers
Bonefish E2"s Way
Bristol Bay Fly Fishing & Guide Academy
Crooked Island Redevelopment Fund, Crooked Island, Bahamas
Cuba Guide School
Guides Trust Foundation, Florida
Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association
Ocean Academy, Caye Caulker, Belize
Perry Institute for Marine Science, Bahamas:
Punta Allen Primary School
Redside Foundation
Wil Mehia and Toldedo Exposure
University of Alabama

The Community of punta allen
For the past six years, Yellow Dog and YDCCF have been a sponsor of the annual Punta Allen Super Slam Tournament at Grand Slam Lodge. Each year, funding raised from the tournament auction have gone back into the community to redo school bathrooms, install new plumbing for the school children, provide a carbon fiber (rust-proof) wheelchair for a student, remodel classrooms, build an outdoor lunch palapa, create cement stands for the in-town soccer field, and donate a brail typewriter/scanner/laptop to a special needs student, amongst other needs.