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Costa Rica Fly Fishing Lodges

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Fantastic Bluewater, Big Tarpon, and Jungle Adventures

Costa Rica is sometimes referred to as the Switzerland of Central America because of its comfortable lifestyle, peaceful democracy, and overwhelming natural beauty. The country’s waters are healthy and full of fish, the beauty is staggering, and the sluggish pace of life seductive. A peaceful oasis in the middle of an otherwise tumultuous region, this tiny nation draws 1.5 million visitors every year. Since attaining independence in the 19th century, this tiny, backwater country has become one of the most stable, prosperous, and progressive nations in all of Latin America. It permanently abolished its army in 1949, becoming the first of only a handful of sovereign nations worldwide without a standing army. Costa Rica is known for its progressive environmental policies, being the only country to meet all five criteria established to measure environmental sustainability. It is ranked first among the Americas, in the 2012 Environmental Performance Index.

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