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The Backstage Pass

New Zealand Fly Fishing Myths Debunked

May 03, 23

Over the years, we have heard some pretty outrageous myths about New Zealand and want to take the time to clarify a few points so that we can put these myths to bed:

MYTH 1: “I can’t be on a plane for 20 hours!”

Neither can any of us! Fortunately, Auckland is a very easy overnight flight from either Los Angeles, San Francisco -or Houston (13, 13, and 14.5 hours respectively and even shorter on the way back). You simply board the plane at night, enjoy dinner and a movie—as there are screens in every seat on Air New Zealand—and fall asleep when you normally would.

When you wake up, it is morning time and you can enjoy a nice breakfast before landing and carrying on to your final destination in New Zealand. Better still is the fact that most domestic flights within New Zealand are under 2 hours in duration. 


MYTH 2: “Tickets are like $4000!”

Nope. Unless you fly in one of the nicer cabins, you are looking at average round-trip ticket costs of just under $1000 for the long-haul flight. Air New Zealand is a fantastic airline and is always offering specials.

Pro tip: sign up for the Air New Zealand mailing list and be one of the first to know about sales on tickets! Domestic flights are short and very affordable if not booked last-minute, so travel to New Zealand is actually much more reasonable than one would think!

MYTH 3: “I can’t afford a trip to New Zealand!”

International travel of any kind can be expensive. However, the New Zealand Dollar (NZD) has dropped in value over the past five years against the US Dollar, which means that now is the time to travel to and spend money in New Zealand.

With our fully customizable trip packages, featuring options that run the full range of the price spectrum, we can definitely ensure that your fishing needs are met while also looking out for your pocketbook.

“I should probably wait until I’m retired to go to New Zealand.”

If there is one thing we hear most often, it’s “I wish I had traveled to New Zealand years ago!” So much of New Zealand’s magic exists far into the backcountry, which can often only be accessed on foot.

You will thank yourself for making the trip while you still have the ability to make that hike (and your joints will thank you as well). Don’t wait—you will never regret it!

MYTH 5: “I shouldn’t go to New Zealand unless I am an expert angler.”

Okay, well that is part myth, part truth. We would never encourage a beginner angler to travel all the way to New Zealand to cut their teeth in the trout fishing game. Indeed, the barrier of entry for angling ability in NZ is higher than most other fishing destinations due to the wise and wary nature of the trout, especially on the South Island.

That being said, we work with some of the finest guides in the country and they are extremely patient and capable when it comes to helping out new anglers. The most important thing is to come to NZ with the right expectations, and that is what we are here help you establish!

“I will catch large numbers of trout when I am visiting New Zealand!”

Hey, we aren’t going to tell you that you can’t. But we do make sure to advise all anglers traveling to New Zealand that the fishery is cherished for its ability to produce fish of great quality instead of fish in great quantities. If you are looking to catch as many fish as possible each day, perhaps New Zealand isn’t the destination for you.

But if you like the challenge of pursuing individual trout, then give us a call. The South Island offers exceptional sight-fishing opportunities for the seasoned trophy-seeker, while the North Island affords anglers the chance to blind fish runs as well as target singles in gin-clear water.

New Zealand is an enchanting and faraway land that most only know through pictures and, of course, stories. So if you are among the population that believed any of the aforementioned myths, we won’t hold it against you.

But now that some of the most common travel myths have been broken down, perhaps now you might be a little more inclined to consider making the journey down to New Zealand. If that is the case, let us know. There is still availability in the early and late seasons, which can be a fabulous time to experience this exquisite fishery.

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