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The Backstage Pass

Louisiana's Best Kept Fly Fishing Secret

May 03, 23

"For many years now, Louisiana has always been labeled as a “fall and winter fishery.” Because of that, the angling public has a false mindset that fishing is only good three to four months out of the year. This results in the necessity to book very far in advance, lack of availability, and high chances of contending with volatile weather. And while the fall and winter months will always be great months to plan a redfish trip, there are local guides who fish the marsh 365 days a year that will show you that maybe the best-kept secret is to go during the summer!


Yes, it is very hot and humid during the summer. There’s no arguing that. But by just shifting up your daily fishing schedule by three hours, it results in a full day of action on the fly. Summertime fly fishing in Louisiana means consistent and reliable weather, less angling pressure, and the same number of daily shots at trophy fish on the fly that you hope for in the colder fall and winter months. Anglers can also plan for opportunities at other species you wouldn’t normally find when the water is cooler.

The summer months down in the marshes of Louisiana and Mississippi are a special time. Angling pressure is virtually non-existent and fish get happy and eager to eat! Bull redfish and giant black drum get into very consistent tailing patterns and casting to bull redfish and giant black drum in only a few feet of water is a common summertime situation.

Watching a giant redfish slowly swim down a shallow bank only to intercept its path is one of the most visibly exciting ways to catch bull redfish in Louisiana, and it happens all summer long!

Jack Crevalle, Atlantic tripletail, Spanish mackerel, and other species can also be found in the marsh during the summer and offer a lot of excitement. Nothing beats watching large jacks destroy a pod of bait, and then your fly. Furthermore, triple tails demand a technical and stealthy presentation in a suspended target zone in order to earn a strike.

Every angler needs to see why Louisiana is truly a year-round fishery. With a multitude of species to target and trophy fish in the mix, the summer rarely disappoints.

Anglers who decide to see what everyone else doesn’t know and give the summer a shot will be guided by only top local guides and can be confident that they will be stepping onto a guide’s bow who sees this fishery every single day and understands the movements of these fish throughout the entire year. The secret is already getting out, and more and more anglers are discovering the summer opportunities of Louisiana. Why not you too!"

This article was contributed by Captain Bailey Short. He's a native of Baton Rouge and the owner of Southern Flats: Louisiana Fly Fishing. He guides year-round on the marshes of Louisiana and can be booked through Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures.

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