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The Backstage Pass

Top 10 Fly Fishing Flies For Golden Dorado

May 03, 23

You’ve traveled over 5,000 miles to the jungles of Bolivia or marshes of Argentina all in pursuit of Golden Dorado, with dreams of hooking up to one of the most carnivorous freshwater fish in the world. As you go to make that first cast, you want to have confidence in your gear, and we are here to make that happen.


Picking the best flies for golden dorado is fairly straightforward, but there are some distinct points to consider when choosing flies. First and foremost, the tactics vary greatly between Argentina/Uruguay and Bolivia.

Bolivia's golden dorado fishery is done almost exclusively on foot, and anglers and their guides are "hunting" these apex predators on smaller rivers and streams. In most scenarios, anglers are sight fishing to dorado in clear water, and the presentation and subsequent retrieve is as important (if not more important) than the fly selection itself. During times of high water or in particular stretches with faster and/or deeper runs, it is possible to do some blind casting with heavier flies. However, the ideal fly for Bolivia is a lightweight baitfish profile in the four to six inch range on a size 2/0 - 4/0 hook. 

To the north, golden dorado are just as aggressive as their Bolivian neighbors, but their habitat is completely different. Depending on the location, guides will take anglers through expansive marsh systems, rivers, and even creeks via boat. The name of the game in Argentina/Uruguay is covering water and prospecting for fish, similar to streamer fishing on a western river. It is common for the water to be stained or darker than Bolivian rivers, so having large, bulky flies designed to push water and gain the attention of a dorado are a must. For that reason, deer-hair-head flies are the norm, weighted with bead chain or lead eyes. 

A universal factor for all dorado flies? They must be tied on high-quality hooks!

Of course, your guide will have a solid understanding of their home waters, but going into your golden dorado trip with some knowledge of this important information will make your trip that much more enjoyable and easier on your guide. 

Top 5 Flies for Golden Dorado in Bolivia

  1. Dorado Sabalo
  2. Cruiser
  3. Flashfire Mushies
  4. EP Dorado
  5. EP Baby Dorado

The common factors between all of the above is they are unweighted baitfish flies, making them ideal for casting at distance to spooky dorado. While fly selection always matters, the most important factor while fishing for golden dorado in Bolivia is the presentation! Casts need to be accurate and anglers must immediately have tension on their line, as these fish often pounce as soon as the fly touches the water. 

When selecting individual flies, anglers will want diversity in color for Bolivia to cover all the various conditions, with some common combinations including all white, white/chartreuse, black/red, and black/purple.

While these unweighted baitfish flies are core patterns for Bolivia, it is good to have a few heavier, bulkier flies to fish in high water conditions. Any of the flies recommended below for Argentina/Uruguay are solid options. 

Top 5 Flies for Golden Dorado in Argentina and Uruguay

  1. Andino Deceiver 
  2. Predator Pounder
  3. Dr. Davis Deceiver
  4. El Dorado
  5. Jungle Juice

The above flies are designed to PUSH water and cause a disturbance in the water. They are heavier and bulkier, and are generally fishing on intermediate or sinking lines, depending on conditions. The most common color combinations are all black, or black paired with another color such as red, chartreuse, or yellow. Because the water is generally off-color, a dark fly is more pronounced.

Have additional questions about flies and gear for golden dorado or simply want us to take care of the tough decisions for you? Give Yellow Dog Fly Shop a call and we will make sure you are prepared to take them on with confidence.

Get Ready For Your Next Golden Dorado Trip
+ Shop Our Golden Dorado Fly Assortment
+ Bolivia Fly Fishing Gear Guide: Everything You Need

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