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August 2024 Tordrillo Mountain Lodge Trip Report

August 29, 24

Written by Alaska Program Director Tom Melvin

After a 10-year hiatus, I was fortunate enough to head up to Alaska this August and revisit one of our longtime partners and premier programs, Tordrillo Mountain Lodge. Myself and Yellow Dog’s owner Jim Klug initially visited TML when they were starting to develop their summer program, so I was looking forward to the opportunity to see what had changed since my last visit. Over the years we’ve had multiple Yellow Dog team members out to check in, and countless travelers stay with them each summer season. I knew that the program had continued to develop and improve, but after the recent experience, I was absolutely blown away and did not expect it to be THIS GOOD.

Located on Judd Lake at the base of the Tordrillo Mountain Range, TML has always been known as one of the premier Alaska heli-ski operations each winter season. What is unique about this program is they also operate one of the most diverse spring and summer programs as well, allowing guests to experience all the area has to offer throughout the summer. We have always considered this program to be one of the most “couple and family friendly” lodges in all of Alaska along with great fishing, which they still continue to be. But that being said, they also have an insanely dialed in, remote and world class fishing program.

All trips begin with guests flying in to Anchorage, Alaska to spend the first evening, which is easily accessed by all major airlines throughout the course of the summer. Your first night is spent in Anchorage where there are many options for hotels to pick and choose from. After a good night’s rest, TML will actually pick you up at your hotel that first morning and transfer you to Lake Hood where the float planes will be waiting to fly you to the lodge. The float plane flight is incredibly scenic, almost too quick to get you to such a remote, beautiful location.

Upon arrival to Judd Lake, the TML team greets you on the dock and escort guests to the main lodge for an orientation and helicopter training. I was a little perplexed to see the TML staff giving hugs out to every guest that was getting on the float plane to head back to Anchorage after their stay. You don’t always see that, I thought it was a little odd, but then I quickly understood after our trip when we were all doing the same thing.

The orientation was great, thorough and detailed, and quickly we were getting geared up to head out for our first day’s excursion. The chosen activity was glacier hiking at the base of the Tordrillo Mountain Range. Being with a group of anglers, everyone was chomping at the bit to wet a line and explore the water around TML, but this turned out to be a great call and recommendation by the TML team. We had a bluebird day for flying and hiking the Triumvirate Glacier was a mind-blowing experience. The heli-flight in was incredible, the guides were extremely knowledgeable, and everyone quickly agreed this was well worth delaying fishing to experience this area. After returning to the lodge for an amazing dinner, we all went over plans with the TML guides and got ready for the following days of fishing.

Over the next few days, we were fortunate enough to explore the entire watershed and numerous fisheries via helicopter, fish some of the most remote and untouched water I have personally seen anywhere in Alaska, and everyone came back to the lodge each evening with great stories of their days on the water. This is an incredibly healthy fishery, TML has almost exclusive access to the watershed (a helicopter helps) and angling pressure is virtually non-existent. The area offers opportunities for rainbow trout, arctic char and dolly varden, grayling, along with all 5 species of Pacific salmon. Most of the water is small, very easily wade fished, and the guides at times will bring along a raft in the heli-basket to float downstream to a different pick up location. Overall, the fishing options are diverse, and TML does an amazing job of keeping it interesting, mixing it up based on angler’s preferences and getting in to some of the most remote and untouched fishing you can find anywhere in the world. While all of the water is great and the heli-fly ins are amazing, my personal favorite actually ended up being the water right out in front of the lodge on Talachulitna Creek. While their heli-program can get you in to numerous options throughout the area, I would by no means discount their homewater fishery right out the front door of the lodge!

While I had always assumed that the guides at TML were essentially “adventure guides that can fish”, it actually turns out to be the total opposite and they are “fishing guides that can adventure." The guides are insanely good, they can do it all on top of being world class fishing guides. We were fortunate enough to have one of the TML co-owners/guides with us during our stay, Tommy Moe, whom you might recognize from his previous two Olympic medal winning downhill skiing days. Tommy and the ownership team bring a level of expertise and passion for adventure in Alaska, which you can see resonates throughout their entire team.

The fishing experience between the guide team is pretty incredible, they are great for all levels/ages of anglers and know the watershed, species and techniques extremely well. On top of that, they are flat out fun people to be around. They enjoy the area, what they do, and are always in for an adventure. Want to target big rainbows one day? No problem. Tomorrow do you want to do the Via Ferrata climbing course? They can do that too. How about a lesson on the e-foil boards on Judd Lake? Just let them know when you are ready to head out there. So essentially, whatever you want to do to be able to enjoy the area and have the trip of a lifetime, the guides can make it happen.

In addition to the incredible guide team, the lodge is managed by longtime fly fishing guide and industry professional Jennifer Cornell who makes it all come together. Always around and available, if you focus hard enough you can tell the level of attention and expertise Jennifer brings to the TML program and daily operations. But if you are not paying attention it almost goes unnoticed. I think that was one of the small things I picked up on that may have slipped under the radar of other guests. Jennifer and their team make it look almost too easy and unnoticeable unless you are really paying attention. But if you do take a minute to think about how they bring it all together for every guest, it is truly impressive and world class!

Last but certainly not least was TML’s helicopter pilot Vince, who was an insanely good operator, great to tour the area with and a wealth of knowledge when it comes to flying in Alaska. The heli-flights are breathtaking, relatively quick and probably one of the most unique and fun ways to access remote areas in Alaska. Overall, myself and everyone in attendance this week was incredibly impressed by the entire TML team – from the transfer agents, lodge staff, chefs, guides, grounds team, pilots…. literally everyone. This is what makes this program special and so many guests returning each and every year.

Overall, this is one of the most unique programs we are fortunate to work with in Alaska, and I would go as far as saying anywhere in the world. The fishery is amazing, their entire staff is world class, and I cannot personally think of a more “fun” place and program to experience. TML can do it all, not only from a fishing perspective, but leaving guests with the question on how soon they can return. At the end of our stay, we all found ourselves, like the guests departing on our float plane coming in, exchanging hugs and contact information with the TML team in anticipation for when we would all meet again.

For more information on Tordrillo Mountain Lodge, visit the Yellow Dog website or call the Yellow Dog Travel Office at 888-777-5060.