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Golden Dorado Fly Fishing Lodges

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Striking Gold in South America

Fly fishing for Golden Dorado in the jungles offers what many consider to be the ultimate freshwater fly-fishing experience. Razor-sharp conical teeth, powerful colossal jaws, and a hardcore predator mentality all combine and create the force behind the Golden Dorado. Fishing for Golden Dorado is an ideal pursuit for the adventurous angler seeking an off the grid, jungle experience.  The primary season for targeting Golden Dorado is from June to October. The remote nature of the fishing in this area, the exotic wildlife, and the overwhelming beauty of the region all combine to create incredible angling and travel experience that is without a doubt one of the most interesting and unique in the world of fly fishing destination travel.

torn paper texture
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Dive / Snorkel Program On-site
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Preferred Couples Destination
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Wi-Fi Available
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