Tanzania Fly Fishing Lodges
Shop Fishing GearTrophy Tigers in Africa
Tanzania’s Mnyera and Ruhudji Rivers together offer one of the last remaining frontiers of freshwater fishing – trophy tigerfish on the fly in one of the most remote areas of Africa. Set deep in an untouched corner of the Tanzanian wilderness, this area is home to monster 20-pound-plus tigers. A trip to Tanzania, Africa is without a doubt a journey to the wildest edge of fly fishing, and Yellow Dog is proud to work with a small group of experienced guides whom we guarantee are the very best in the entire region. These guys have scouted the finest, wildest, and most productive African tigerfisheries for more than ten years, and now offer anglers what is hands-down the very best tigerfishing that Africa has to offer. Having fished this operation ourselves, we feel confident that this is a place that is well worth the time, money, and miles to get there. If you are assembling legitimate “must-fish” destinations for your personal angling bucket list, then fly fishing for trophy tigerfish in Tanzania is the trip that you need to make. We promise you that there is nothing like it in the world!